On September 21, 2017, the plaintiff, Avery Stone (“Stone”) of New York, commenced this action against South China Morning Post (“SCMP”), a corporation organized under the laws of Hong Kong, and its reporter, Peter Guy (collectively, “the Defendants”) in the Supreme Court of the State of New York (the first-instance court in New York State). On September 25, 2018, the Defendants, on the grounds of complete diversity of citizenship, removed the case to the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York. During its existence, Stone was a director at Global Monetary Fund, Ltd. (“GMF”), a financial…
The China Docket Report
In September 2018, Chelsea Jia (“Jia”), the female former Vice President of Equity Sales at China Renaissance Securities (US) Inc. (“China Renaissance”), the wholly owned U.S. subsidiary of the China Renaissance Group, sued Jonathan Dean Hong (“Hong”), Nicholas Thomas Ganz (“Ganz”), and China Renaissance (collectively “Defendants”). Jia’s complaint alleges that she was subjected to unlawful discrimination, a hostile work environment, and retaliatory termination of employment by Defendants. Jia argues that Defendants constantly humiliated and castigated Jia as being too “aggressive” and “bitchy”, maliciously attributing her success at work to clients wanting to “sleep with her”, propagating rumors of an affair…
2017年3月30日,纽约最高法院一致通过驳回了原告Brean Murray, Carret & Co.针对被告美富律师事务所(Morrison & Foerster LLP)提起的执业过失和欺诈的诉讼。 美富律师事务所是全球顶级律所之一,于1883年在旧金山市成立,在美国、亚洲及欧洲设有16家办事处,拥有约1000名律师。 根据U.S. News – Best Lawyers年度报告的“最佳律师事务所”的排名,美富的一级业务领域数量在美国12,000多家律所中名列前二十。《美国律师》(The American Lawyer)杂志已连续十三年将美富纳入其A级律师事务所名录(A-List)。而中国也是该律所的主要业务市场,美富在中国设有香港、北京和上海三家办事处,拥有50多名律师和法律工作者,向大型跨国公司及中国企业客户提供有关跨境投资、公司重组和上市融资、合并及收购、私募股权基金及风险投资、知识产权、生命科学和跨境诉讼及仲裁等法律服务。 2010年12月,山西普大煤业集团有限公司进行公开发行股票,而原告是本次股票发行的主要联合承销商。 据悉普大煤业的主要资产是其持有的90%山西煤业公司的股权,但原告诉称,美富律所作为承销商的代理律师对这次股票发行进行尽职调查,但并没有发现也没有通知原告普大煤业已经不再拥有山西煤业的90%股权。 2011年4月的时候,新闻公开报道了普大欺诈的消息,证实其拥有的山西煤炭的所有权已经转移,且有政府记录。尽管如此,法院还是根据已过诉讼时效和禁止反言原则驳回了原告关于执业过失的诉讼请求。 另外,法院指出原告关于欺诈的诉讼请求其实是重复了执业过失的诉讼请求,因此没有一个独立的请求权,也被一同驳回。 翻译及编辑:Janie